Awards are given to the Gavel Club Members who exceeded the basic expectations.


Best Speakers
The following awards are given to the Gaveliers who spoke the best in each category.
Best Table Topic Speech Award
This award is given to the Gavelier who gave the most exciting impromptu table topic response.
Best Ice Breaker Award
This award is given to the Gavelier who gave the most informative and interesting self introduction ice breaker speech.
Best Prepared Speech Award
This Award is given to the member who researched, and practiced the best to give the best prepared speech.
Best Humorous Speech Award
This is the awards given to the Gavelier who gave the speech that made the audience barreling on the ground from laughter.
Best Persuasive Speech Award
This award is for the Gavelier that was the most convincing in their persuasive speech.
Best Debate Award
This award is given to the the Gavelier who proved their side of the argument with the most logical, factual, and convincing debate.
Best Toastmaster Award
This award is for the Gavelier that hosted the most orderly, and entertaining meeting as the toastmaster.

Member of the Year
This awards is given to the Gavelier who attends every meeting, contributes to the club, and consistently speaks well.
Founder's Award
This Award is given to the most improved and dedicated communicator of the Year.
Mentors Award
This Award is for the member who led the club to new levels of leadership.
Dr. Christopher Wilson Humanitarian Leadership Award
This award is for the member who led the club to serve Humanity. They worked tirelessly to encourage, guide, and teach the meaning of serving people on the other side of the fence. They also raised the most funds to help the team achieve their goals. They showed perseverance and genuine courage. They gained the recognition by the MP of the Area. This awards winner receives a 250 dollar GC Scholarship.
Dr. Asaf Durakovic Peace Award
The Dr. Asaf Durakovic peace award is the most prestigious recognition of the World Life Institute awarded to leaders whose exemplary efforts have significantly improved the life of others. This award recognizes the importance of moral and innovative leadership, an ethic of service and a willingness to transcend boundaries of challenging conditions that limit human potential. Dr. Asaf Durakovic Peace Award winner demonstrates lives of integrity and sustained commitment to realizing the importance of peace and selfless humanitarian service.